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Hula hoop stretch: a new fashion of thin
Data: 2011/8/31      Hit: 5311

Have an epidemic of hula hoops, there are new tricks. South Korea's most popular now - "hoop stretch", not only can adjust the length, but also very flexible: not only lose weight, but also massage.

Recently, the hula hoop craze in South Korea to rise again, take a closer look, the women shake the hula hoop, look seems a bit different. So this is the recent invention of the hula hoop stretch. It springs from a combination of a circle, you can also double as sports massage, the effect is doubled. Hula hoop exercise close to the body better, and more fun. This hula hoop is not only significant weight loss of function, but a similar effect of acupuncture in the short term you can improve back pain and indigestion problems.

Another feature of the spring hula hoop, is also used to make a similar towel operation of stretching, exercise arm, chest, back, waist and legs and other parts.

In the tension of city life, people increasingly feel the importance of exercise. The new Hula Hoop on the subject to a number of beauty-conscious women in the pursuit. Different from the traditional hula hoop, hula hoop of this new metal spring from the roots formed. The use of the metal, the plastic hula hoop hula hoop than traditional heavier, when exercise intensity is greater with the use of this hula hoop to burn more belly fat.

In addition to reducing abdominal fat, the hula hoop can also be used as a chest, arm and shoulder and back exercises. According to the inventor of the hula hoop and said that there is the stomach massage hula hoop effect. At present, some have used the hula hoop of the people have felt no small change.

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